Exchange Migrator 2.2 SP1
Exchange Migrator 2.2 SP1 HF13716
Exchange Migrator 2.2 SP1 HF21235
Error: "Please reference NetIQ KB Article NETIQKB24380 for recovery procedure information"
The CDOEXM.DLL that comes with the Mirosoft Exchange 2000 System Manager may not be registered or loaded correctly when installed in some non-English Operating System versions. Exchange Migrator has a dependency on this dll and an object migration will fail if it is not registered correctly. Be sure to check for errors in the log.
Exchange Migrator 2.2 SP1
Exchange Migrator 2.2 SP1 HF13716
Exchange Migrator 2.2 SP1 HF21235
Error: "Please reference NetIQ KB Article NETIQKB24380 for recovery procedure information"
Please note that if you are searching for the international environment database sort order customization that is referenced in the Exchange Migrator 2.21 Hotfix 21235 readme file (EM2.2100_ReadmeNETIQKB21235.txt), then please use the following KB article; otherwise please continue on with this KB article:
- NETIQKB24379 : "Why is Exchange Migrator displaying distorted international characters?"
The following is a pop up error that you may encounter during the migration process.
- "The migration could not be completed. Check the EMApplog.txt file for details."
You will notice the following errors in the EMApplog.txt file.
- Please reference NetIQ KB Article NETIQKB24380 for recovery procedure information
- 2003-03-21 04:07:43***(1673) The migration to Exchange 2000 failed. This was caused by an out-of-date version of the Exchange dlls. You must have the Exchange 2000 Management Tools installed on this computer before you can migrate to Exchange 2000. [HR=0x80004002]
- 2003-03-21 04:07:43***(1674) ProcessHelperForMdb... failed to migrate object [/o=QATestOrg/ou=Houston/cn=Recipients/cn=Club10][HR=0x80004002]
In installations of EM 2.2x on foreign Oses, EM migration may fail because of the unavailability of the required CDOEXM.DLL.
The CDOEXM.DLL that comes with the Mirosoft Exchange 2000 System Manager may not be registered or loaded correctly when installed in some non-English Operating System versions. Exchange Migrator has a dependency on this dll and an object migration will fail if it is not registered correctly. Be sure to check for errors in the log.
To correct this issue, manually register the CDOEXM.DLL using the steps below. The default location of the dll is c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin\cdoexm.dll.
- Close Exchange Migrator before proceeding.
- Open a new command prompt window (Start\Run and type CMD, then <Enter>).
- Execute: regsvr32 ?c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin\cdoexm.dll?.
- You will receive confirmation that dll was registered successfully.
- Restart Exchange Migrator and try to migrate the failed objects again.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB24380