Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
Assistant Admins cannot designate a user or group who can join a computer to the domain when creating a computer account in the Directory and Resource Administrator Web Console.
This is by design of the product. The default Web Console for DRA 6.6 does not include this capability.
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
Assistant Admins cannot designate a user or group who can join a computer to the domain when creating a computer account in the Directory and Resource Administrator Web Console.
This is by design of the product. The default Web Console for DRA 6.6 does not include this capability.
Hotfix 26323 adds this feature, modifying the Web Console to display the field this field, allowing the Assistant Admin to select the user or group that can add the computer to the domain.
To install this hotfix, run the DRA66000_Hotfix26323a.exe file on the Administration server.
This hotfix modifies the following files on the Web component computer:
- AccountManagement/Computers/ComputerCreate/TaskMain.asp
- AccountManagement/Computers/ComputerCreate/TaskMessages.asp
- AccountManagement/Groups/GroupCreate/TaskMain.asp
- AccountManagement/Groups/GroupUpdate/GeneralTabMain.asp
- AccountManagement/Groups/GroupUpdate/GeneralTabMessages.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserClone/Properties.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserCreate/TaskMain.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserResetPassword/Properties.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdate/DialInTabMain.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdate/ProfileTabMain.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdate/StatsTabMain.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdate/StatsTabMessages.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdateNT4/DialInTabMain.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdateNT4/ProfileTabMain.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdateNT4/StatsTabMain.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdateNT4/StatsTabMessages.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserVitalStats/Properties.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserVitalStats/TaskMessages.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserVitalStatsNT4/Properties.asp
- AccountManagement/Users/UserVitalStatsNT4/TaskMessages.asp
- Common/Scripts/LocalizeDate.asp
- Common/Scripts/SearchForms/UserGroupBrowse/TaskMain.asp
- Common/Scripts/SearchForms/UserGroupBrowse/TaskMessages.asp
By default, these files are located in the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\DRAWeb\WebConsole\BuiltIn folder of servers with the DRA Web Component installed.
Hotfix 26323 also corrects other issues that are listed in the following Knowledge Base article:
- NETIQKB26323: What is the purpose of Hotfix 26323?
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB24283