How do I generate a report to show the full LDAP path to a User object?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
How do I generate a report to show the full LDAP path to a User object?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
You can generate a report of the full LDAP path to a user by using any of the following methods:
- To generate a report via the CLI of the full LDAP path to a user objects, run the following command: EA ACCOUNT Username display
- You can also use the DRA reporting tool to gather this information and create a custom query to display the Onepoint path or LDAP path to the User objects.
- The Onepoint path is the property $McsPath in the Users table.
- The LDAP path is the property $McsLdapPath in the Users1 table.
- Use the DRA ADSI provider to return this information. There is an example script under the ADSI & CLI Scripts section of the Knowledge Depot to display properties of a user at: - Another option is to use the UpdateWin2k.xls. This application can be used to retrieve properties from Active Directory to an Excel Spreadsheet. An updated version of the UpdateWin2k.xls is available under the ADSI & CLI section of the Knowledge depot at:
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB24259