1. Verify that the agent trying to send out the Mapi Mail can actually reach the Exchange server sending out the Mapi Mail.
2. Verify the following registry keys on the Management Server are set correctly.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\netiq\netiqmc\exchange Mailbox
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\netiq\netiqmc\exchange Profile
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\netiq\netiqmc\exchange Server
3. Log into the Management Server using the same account which is running the NetIQmc (NetIQ AppManager ClientResource Monitor) and the NetIQccm (NetIQ AppManager Client Communications Manager) services as and check to see that the "mail" properties point to the correct mailbox, server, and so on. Also, make sure you can send out mail using a mapi client.
4. Go into the AppManager Security Manager -> expand to all computers -> highlight the Management Server object -> click on the exchange tab on the right. Make sure that the alias and profiles are spelled correctly.
Additional Information
NetIQMapiMail is a command line utility that is included with AppManager merely as a testing tool to help debug issues if the Action_MAPIMail fails to execute. It can be configured to run as a DOS batch command if a user desires.
NetiQMapiMail - command line mailer program
Usage: NetiQMapiMail -tRecipients [-sSubject] [-mMessage] [-pProfile] [-wPassword] [-fAttachmentPath]
netiqmapimail -ssubject message -mmessage body -pMS Exchange Settings -w12345 -fc:\temp\text.txt
Due to security enhancements with Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Outlook, the NetIQMapiMail utilty is considered a third-party application which can generate a message box on the computer executing the action.
A program is trying to automatically send e-mail on your behalf. Do you want to allow this? If this is unexpected, it may be a virus and you should choose "No".
A program is trying to access e-mail addresses you have stored in Outlook. Do you want to allow this? If this is unexpected, it may be a virus and you should choose "No".
These warning messages are commonly associated with software that is designed to synchronize Outlook data with handheld computers, but may occur with any type of add-in or custom solution.
If no user is there to acknowledge the pop-up window, the mail will not be sent.
For more information, please refer to Microsoft KB 290498
OL2002: Add-in or Custom Solution Causes a Warning to Appear;EN-US;290498