What are the functionality differences between the 'Translate Security Settings' wizards in DMA?
Domain Migration Administrator 7.x
The following table illustrates the differences in funtionality between the 'Translate Security Settings' wizards found in Domain Migration Administrator (DMA). The term 'Global' refers to the wizards found when the DMA interface first opens when launched. The term 'Project' refers to the wizards found inside projects.
Wizard | Translates Security For |
Translate Security Settings Wizard (Global) | Any migrated accounts from the source domain provided in the wizard?s Domain Selection page. |
Translate Security Settings Wizard (Project) | Any migrated accounts that have been selected into the project in Step 1. |
Translate Security Settings for Accounts with SID History Wizard (Global) | Any migrated account from any source domain. |
Translate Security Settings for Accounts with SID History Wizard (Project) | Any accounts that have been selected into the project in Step 1. |
Computer Migration Wizard (Global) | Any migrated accounts from the source domain provided in the wizard?s Domain Selection page. |
vAlign=top width=295> Computer Migration Wizard (Project) | Any migrated accounts that have been selected into the project in Step 1. |
For more information about the Translation of Security Settings, please see Appendix C - "Understanding How DMA Works" - "How DMA Updates Access Control Entries" in the DMA 7.1 User Guide. Below are some links to other helpful security translation topics:
What is the difference between 'Translate Security Settings' and 'Translate Security for Accounts with SID History' and their requirements?
What is the difference between translating security when you migrate computers with the 'Migrate Computers' wizard versus using the 'Translate Security Settings' wizard?