Directory and Resource Administrator 6.40
An ActiveView rule to include certain open files returns an empty list.
ActiveView rules to include open files with name matching a convention always return a blank list of the files opened on a machine.
These symptoms occur because the original rules referred to open files by their file ID number, which does not allow for the possibility of a convention based on the file name or type.
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.40
An ActiveView rule to include certain open files returns an empty list.
ActiveView rules to include open files with name matching a convention always return a blank list of the files opened on a machine.
These symptoms occur because the original rules referred to open files by their file ID number, which does not allow for the possibility of a convention based on the file name or type.
This issue is addressed in hotfix Q12388 which allows you to include open files in an ActiveView by specifying the filenames instead of the file id numbers.
For example, with this hotfix, you can include all Microsoft Word files that are open on a particular computer by using a *.doc wildcard specification.
To install this hotfix, run the DRA64000_HotfixQ12388.exe file on the Administration server computer.
This hotfix modifies the ResProvider.dll file on the Administration server computer. The default location of this file is the Program Files\NetIQ\DRA folder.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB24136