Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
Message: 'Copying outdated file OaRept-DRaserver.mdb to OaRept-DRAserver.mdb_6.50.00 mdb and exiting'
Message received everytime the Directory and Resource Administrator 6.6 Reporting Tool is started.
This is an issue with the installer MSI file that does not set the reporting tool version number in the registry. If the the MMC, CLI and Reporting tool are installed using the NetIQAdminMMC.msi file, the reporting tool will give the message "Copying outdated file OaRept-DRaserver.mdb to OaRept-DRAserver.mdb_6.50.00 mdb and exiting" everytime you try to open the reporting tool. If you install the MMC, CLI and Reporting using the Setup.exe and choose User Interfaces, the report tool runs without errors.
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
Message: 'Copying outdated file OaRept-DRaserver.mdb to OaRept-DRAserver.mdb_6.50.00 mdb and exiting'
Message received everytime the Directory and Resource Administrator 6.6 Reporting Tool is started.
This is an issue with the installer MSI file that does not set the reporting tool version number in the registry. If the the MMC, CLI and Reporting tool are installed using the NetIQAdminMMC.msi file, the reporting tool will give the message "Copying outdated file OaRept-DRaserver.mdb to OaRept-DRAserver.mdb_6.50.00 mdb and exiting" everytime you try to open the reporting tool. If you install the MMC, CLI and Reporting using the Setup.exe and choose User Interfaces, the report tool runs without errors.
To resolve this issue, perform the following:
- Run regedit on the workstation machine.
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mission Critical Software\OnePoint\Administration\Reporting
- Highlight the Version value and select Modify from the Edit menu
- Change the Value data string to 6.50.00.
- Click OK.
- Launch the Directory and Resource Administrator Reporting Tool.
This issue is resolved in Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0 and later.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB24133