How do I configure the Reporting Tool to import data from all Administration servers in the multi-ma (NETIQKB23521)

  • 7723521
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


How do I configure the Reporting Tool to import data from all Administration servers in the multi-master set?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x


To configure the Directory and Resource Reporting tool to import data such as the History of Usage information from all the DRA servers in a multi-master set, perform the following steps:

  1. Launch the Directory and Resource Reporting tool.
  2. When prompted with the Import Notification dialog box, select Yes.
  3. Select the Usage & Operation History tab on the Import window .
  4. Select the radio button for Current event logs from all Administration servers in this domain under History source.
  5. Click Import.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB23521