Error in OpenFileInfo(): FindFirstFile( \\DMA_Console\OnePointDMR$\.... ) failed, rc = 71 No more co (NETIQKB22370)

  • 7722370
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 10-Jan-2008


Domain Migration Administrator 7.x

Error in OpenFileInfo(): FindFirstFile( \\DMA_Console\OnePointDMR$\.... ) failed, rc = 71 No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept.

This error message can be caused by the Domain Migration Administrator (DMA) console being a Windows XP/2000 Professional workstation. Workstations are limited to 10 inbound connections at any one time.

Install DMA on a Windows 2000 Server machine, or rerun the task again to send the agent to the machines that were not reached on the prior run.

An unsupported workaround is to configure the DMA Project database to send out fewer agents at a time. In the project database, open the Settings table (or FastTrack table if you are using the 'Specify Migration Settings' wizard), change the value of Options.MaxThreads to a lower value, such as 8. Again, This change is not supported by NETIQ.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB22370