Can I continue to use my custom 6.5 Web console when upgrading to Directory and Resource Administrator 6.6?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
There is no upgrade path from Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) 6.5 and prior web consoles to DRA 6.6 web console. However, you can continue to use your old custom web console with the DRA 6.6 server. Chapter3 of the Administration Installation Guide details how to install more than one Web Console application on the Administration server or Web server computer.
Can I continue to use my custom 6.5 Web console when upgrading to Directory and Resource Administrator 6.6?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
There is no upgrade path from Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) 6.5 and prior web consoles to DRA 6.6 web console. However, you can continue to use your old custom web console with the DRA 6.6 server. Chapter3 of the Administration Installation Guide details how to install more than one Web Console application on the Administration server or Web server computer.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB21913