Unable to add a domain to the repository; the option is grayed out. (NETIQKB21727)

  • 7721727
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 30-May-2007


NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.x

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0

Unable to add a domain to the repository; the option is grayed out.

When attempting to add a domain to the repository in the NetIQ Group Policy Administrator user interface, the Domain option is grayed out and a domain cannot be added even though the user account in question is a member of the GPA repository management group.


This issue can be caused by to the one of the following reasons:

  • The version of the SQL administration tools installed on the client workstation is older than the version of SQL the repository was installed in.
  • The logged in user does not have the Full control power over the Repository.
  • The account used to install GPA is not a domain account and is unable to create the GPA_REPOSITORY_MANAGEMENT group.

Update the SQL administration tools on the client workstation to the same version as that to which GPA connects.

Log in with an account that has Full control permissions over the repository. To verify which account has Full control permissions over the repository, view the GPR Security or log in with the account that was used to install GPA.

Install GPA with a domain account and not a local account.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB21727