How do I apply a Security Template using NetIQ Group Policy Administrator? (NETIQKB21469)

  • 7721469
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 02-Nov-2007


How do I apply a Security Template using NetIQ Group Policy Administrator?

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 3.0

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 2.0

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0


You can import policy settings from a Security Template by performing the following steps: 

For GPA Version 2.0 and 3.0

1.       Open 'NetIQ GPA 'and expand the 'Administrator' node.

2.       Expand the 'Domain' node and the 'GPO' that you wish to edit. 

3.       Right click the Settings node and select Launch GPO tool

4.       Expand Computer ConfigurationWindows Settings.

5.       Right-click Security Settings and select Import Policy.

6.       Navigate to the desired 'Security Template' or choose one of the predefined ones at C:\WINNT\security\Templates.PAN>

7.        Select Open.

 For GPA Version 5.0

1.       Launch the GPA Console

2.       Expand the 'GP Explorer' node.

3.       Expand the ?Forest?, 'Domain' and ?OU? nodes as needed and the 'GPO' that you wish to edit. 

4.       Right click the GPO and select GPO Editor.

5.       Expand the GPO 

6.       Expand Computer Configurat.

7.       Expand Windows Settings.

8.       Right-click Security Settings and select Import Policy.

9.       Navigate to the desired 'Security Template' or choose one of the predefined ones at C:\WINNT\security\Templates.

10.     Select Open.




Additional information on ADM and Security Templates can be found at:

HOW TO: Apply Predefined Security Templates in Windows 2000


ADM files simple expose the settings that you want to set but the security template actually sets the GPO settings themselves in a predefined manner.  The following article talks about ADM files:

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB21469