Complex passwords are generated, even though existing passwords are migrated successfully. (NETIQKB21460)

  • 7721460
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 17-Apr-2008


Domain Migration Administrator 7.x

Complex passwords are generated, even though existing passwords are migrated successfully.

Identical passwords appear for every user account listed in the Passwords.txt file.

This is a known issue with Domain Migration Administrator (DMA), where an entry is added to the Passwords.txt file for user accounts whose passwords were migrated successfully.


To address this issue:

  • Install the latest hotfix for Domain Migration Administrator (DMA) 7.1, OR
  • Upgrade to DMA 7.2

Note:  If you are unable to apply the latest hotfix for DMA 7.1 or upgrade to DMA 7.2, the entries in the Passwords.txt file can be ignored as the target account should still have the correct migrated password.

By default, the Passwords.txt file is located in the Logs subdirectory of your DMA installation path.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB21460