Cloning an Exchange 2000 mailbox via the CLI returns 'mailbox does not exist' error. (NETIQKB21391)

  • 7721391
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Microsoft Exchange Server 2000

Cloning an Exchange 2000 mailbox via the CLI returns 'mailbox does not exist' error.


Running the CLI command to clone a 2000 mailbox returns the following error:

ea user user1 mbclone clone:template1
ea 6.60.00  (c) Copyright 1995-2002 NetIQ Corporation; all rights reserved.
Copying the mailbox 'template1'..
The Object 'OnePoint://CN=template one,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=hou,DC=company,DC=local,module=exchange,mailbox' does not exist.

The issue is because the CLI does not support Exchange 2000 mailboxes clone operations in DRA 6.x versions.


For Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) version 6.6, a script is available on the knowledge depot that performs the mbclone operation via the DRA ADSI provider.  The script does a mailboxclone and associates the mailbox with all the users in a list and can be found under the ADSI & CLI section of the knowledge depot at: 

This issue is resolved in DRA version 7.x and later, which support the cloning of 2000 mailboxes via the CLI.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB21391