Does the RSoP Analysis report show each individual GPO that applies separately? (NETIQKB21385)

  • 7721385
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 17-Apr-2008


Does the RSoP Analysis report show each individual GPO that applies separately?

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 3.0

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.x

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0


The NetIQ GPA RSoP analysis shows both the individual settings for each GPO and also the aggregate settings of all GPO's.  When an RSoP analysis is run, three nodes are created under the RSoP Planning an Analysis node which are:

  • User Hierarchy
  • Machine Hierarchy
  • Resultant Policy

Under the User HierarchyandMachine Hierarchy, NetIQ GPA displays the OU and GPO that pertain to the user and computer that was specified in the RSoP report.   For the GPO's displayed under the User and Machine Hierarchy, you can run a report on each of the individual GPO's listed.  Under the Resultant Policy node, it displays a report of aggregate of all the GPO settings  that apply to the RSoP simulation that was run.  

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB21385