What size should I accommodate for, the information store size or the mailbox sizes? (NETIQKB20707)

  • 7720707
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-May-2008


What size should I accommodate for, the information store size or the mailbox sizes?

Exchange Migrator 2.x

Exchange Migrator 1.x

Exchange Migrator (EM) will not maintain Single Instance Storage (SIS) . You should accommodate the mailbox size as shown in Outlook and/or Exchange Administrator.  The mailbox size shown in Outlook and/or Exchange Administrator takes into account the soft deletes as well as the messages stored as SIS.  The Information Store (PRIV.EDB) size reports the amount of physical data that is being stored on the source in the database.  Keep in mind, with SIS, if an e-mail or attachment is sent to multiple recipients, the database only stores one copy of this message and sends a 'pointer' to each of the designated recipients. EM will create an actual message in each target mailbox for messages that were previously stored as SIS on the source Exchange server. Therefore, the source info store is more accurate for the size of physical data stored in the Exchange database, but the mailbox size will more accurately represent what will be created by EM.


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Formerly known as NETIQKB20707