The flag 'Automatically update email addresses based on recipient policy' is not available in Direct (NETIQKB20635)

  • 7720635
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x

The flag 'Automatically update email addresses based on recipient policy' is not available in Directory and Resource Administrator MMC.

This is by design and this flag is not available in version DRA 6.60 and earlier and is only available in version 7.0 and later.


The Automatically update email addresses based on recipient policy field is available in version 7.0 and later.  In order to manage this property using Directory and Resource Adminstrator, please upgrade to the latest version.

The following workaround is available for version 6.60 and earlier

In native tools a users properties includes the ability to check on or off the property Automatically update email addresses based on recipient policy, located on the E-Mail Addresses tab.   DRA 6.60 and earlier does not have this ability.  As a result, DRA verson 6.60 and earlier behaves as if this value is always checked.  This means that if you set a new SMTP address in DRA, it will be overwritten when the Recipient Update Service is processed by Exchange. 

In DRA version 6.60 a script can be written and configured as a triggers that always unchecks this flag.  This trigger should be set on the UserSetInfo, ContactSetInfo, or GroupSetInfo operation at a minimum.  

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB20635