What components need to be installed in order to enable the Directory and Resource Administrator ADSI provider only?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
What components need to be installed in order to enable the Directory and Resource Administrator ADSI provider only?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
In Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) version 6.6 and prior, the MMC client interface must be installed in order to provide support for the DRA ADSI provider .
DRA 7.0 and later allows the DRA ADSI Provider to be installed as a separate client install. The ADSI can be installed with either of the following methods.
Normal Installation:
- Launch Setup.exe.
- On the Welcome page, select Begin Setup.
- Select User interfaces and Next.
- Check DRA ADSI Provider and Next.
- On the Disk space requirements page, select Next.
- Click Finish when complete.
Client only installation:
- Navigate to the Intel directory and launch SetupClients.exe.
- On the Welcome page, select Next.
- Expand User interfaces and make sure only DRA ADSI Provider is selected for 'Will be Installed on Local hard drive' and click Next.
- On the Disk space requirements page, select Next.
- Click Finish when complete.
Installation Via a GPO
- Add NetIQAdmin.msi to a GPO and add the following transforms:
- NetIQDRABase.mst
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB19675