How should I determine how big the DMA database will be for a migration of 100,000 + accounts? (NETIQKB18073)

  • 7718073
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


How should I determine how big the DMA database will be for a migration of 100,000 + accounts?

Domain Migration Administrator 7.x

We recommend that you refer to the section 'Considering Enterprise Environment Issues' beginning on page 27 of the DMA User Guide for some comments on locating the DMA console and other servers and server roles for a large migration. These recommendations are important for best performance.

The size of the database is affected by the number of objects migrated. The database also increases in size when reports are generated within DMA because this information is stored in the database.

Although, Microsoft Access has a database size limit of 2 GB NetIQ has not had any reports of this limit being reached or causing a problem.  Please contact NetIQ Technical Support if you have concerns about large migrations.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB18073