What do I need to consider when upgrading my managed NT4 domain to a Windows 2000 domain? (NETIQKB17821)

  • 7717821
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


What do I need to consider when upgrading my managed NT4 domain to a Windows 2000 domain?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x


There should be no issues at all with Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA), when managing an NT 4 domain and then upgrading that domain to Windows 2000, provided the domain name does not change.  However, if during the upgrade from a NT 4 domain to a 2000 domain, the flatname of the domain is changed, the managed domain will have to be re-added.   Any ActiveView Rules that reference the old domain name will need to be updated to reflect the name change.  

It is recommended after the upgrade, you run a Domain Cache Refresh on the DRA server.  This is done in the NetIQ Administration MMC console by expanding the 'Configuration' node, selecting Administration server optionsDomain Cache, clicking Refresh Now.  The Domain Cache Refresh looks at the domain configuration for Managed domains, new trusted domains, and domain controllers for each managed domain which may have come online since the previous domain cache refresh.  It also pushes out Agents to all domain controllers if the auto install of agents is selected.  This will pick up the changes you are making to the domain controllers in the managed domain. 

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB17821