What is the syntax to create group accounts based on a list of group names using the Command Line In (NETIQKB17530)

  • 7717530
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


What is the syntax to create group accounts based on a list of group names using the Command Line Interface?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x


To create groups based on a list of group names using the CLI, please use the syntax below.  This example will use group names from the text file GrpNames.txt located on the root of the C drive.  The file content should be composed of needed group names, each on it's own separate line.  The groups will be created as global security groups in the Groups OU, which resides in the domain MyDomain.Houston.Local.

  • FOR /F "TOKENS=1-5 DELIMS=," %1 IN (C:\GrpNames.txt) DO EA GROUP %1 CREATE OU:OU=Groups,dc=MyDomain,dc=Houston,dc=local

The default group type when creating a group in a Windows NT4 or Windows 2000 Active Directory domain is global security group.


When managing a Windows NT4 domain, the OU parameter in the command line would appear as follows:

  • OU:dc=MyDomain

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB17530