Do I need to run the 'Translate Security for Accounts with SID History' wizard if I have migrated ac (NETIQKB17402)

  • 7717402
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 06-Sep-2007


Do I need to run the 'Translate Security for Accounts with SID History' wizard if I have migrated accounts with SID history?

Domain Migration Administrator 7.x


After migrating accounts with SID history, we recommend that you translate security on resources in order to remove the old sid from the ACLs. Although, after migrating your accounts, the resources may appear to have already been translated, the actual sid on the resource remains the same. The Translate Security for Accounts with SID History wizard will run in Replace mode which will add the target sid and remove the source sid from the resources.


Other choices are to translate security on resources, on a computer, when the computer is migrated, or to run the Translate Security Settings wizard.  The differences between the Translate Security for Accounts with SID History wizard and the Translate Security Settings wizard are explained the following Knowledge Base article: 

NETIQKB860 - What is the difference between 'Translate Security Settings' and 'Translate Security for Accounts with SID History' and their requirements?


For more information regarding name resolution on source resources, please refer to the following Knowledge Base article:

NETIQKB13885 - Duplicate entries for the target account appear on the ACL after security is translated.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB17402