Can I close Open files using the Directory and Resource Administrator CLI? (NETIQKB16507)

  • 7716507
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Can I close Open files using the Directory and Resource Administrator CLI? 

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x


The OPENFILE command is not available from the command line in Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA).  However, the ability to manage open files is available via the Directory and Resource Administrator ADSI provider. 


The Software Development Kit (SDK) is the main source of information about the DRA ADSI provider.   The following excerpt from the Software Development Kit (SDK) describes how to close an open file:


Example: Closing an Open File


Use the following Visual Basic code to close an open file. For more information about open file resource support, see Resource Support for Open Files.


   Dim openFile


   Set openFile = GetObject("OnePoint://cn=274,cn=whqonepoint,ou=Domain Controllers,  dc=onepoint,dc=local,module=resources,openfile")





The ability to manage resources via the DRA CLI is being considered for a future release of DRA.



Scripting and the SDK is outside the normal scope of Technical Support.  NetIQ does have an Enablement Services group that can create customer solutions.  Please contact your Sales Representative for further information.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB16507