Which tasks require Domain Migration Administrator to dispatch an agent? (NETIQKB16309)

  • 7716309
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 10-Oct-2007


Which tasks require Domain Migration Administrator to dispatch an agent?

Domain Migration Administrator 7.1


For some tasks, such as reporting, security translation, and computer migration, Domain Migration Administrator dispatches agents to remote computers. These agents enable Domain Migration Administrator to process many computers at the same time, which improves the speed of your migration. The agents also reduce network bandwidth requirements, especially for security translation, by performing the processing locally rather than over the network.

Domain Migration Administrator dispatches agents to remote computers to perform the following tasks:

  • Gathering data for various reports, such as impact analysis reports.
  • Translating security, including NetApp filers and accounts with SID History.
  • Collecting service account information.
  • Migrating or renaming computers.

Please note that this information can also be obtained from Appendix C of the DMA/SC User Guide under the heading 'Agents'.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB16309