It there a way to change the time used in the criteria for the Expired Computers report? (NETIQKB16256)

  • 7716256
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


It there a way to change the time used in the criteria for the Expired Computers report?

Domain Migration Administrator 7.1


To change the time criteria for this report, go to the Reports table in the Protar and modify the query for the ExpiredComputers report. The DMA Protar can be found in the C:\Program Files\NetIQ\DMA folder.  Open the protar.mdb in Microsoft Access 2000.  Find the row containing ExpiredComputers in the RepName column.  The query is contained in the RepQuery column.  Currently the query for this report is:

Select DomainName, CompName, Time, Description, int(pwdage/86400) & ' days' as 'Password Age' from PasswordAge where pwdage > 2592000 order by DomainName, CompName

In this query, "pwdage > 2592000" is the is the amount of time in seconds which is used to determine if password age is more than 30 days (2592000 seconds).  This value can be changed to any length of time in units of seconds, but please bear in mind that such a change will affect all of the Expired Computer reports in all projects.

NOTE: This is presented as a workaround and is not supported by NetIQ.  We recommend that you backup the protar before modifying it.

For more details on what the 'Expired Computers' report does, refer to NETIQKB1275 .


Please contact Technical Support to create a 'Support Request' for any issues you encounter that are not addressed by the User Guide, any Knowledge Base articles found on the website, or current Hotfixes available for download.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB16256