Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Error: There was an error deleting the group_name object. The Object 'group_name' could not be deleted. The object already exists'.
Error deleting a group using Directory and Resource Administrator MMC
This behavior is by design. To resolve the error, change the Primary Group designation, for all users in the group, to something other than the group that you are trying to delete.
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0 and above improves the message returned. The message return now is: " The Object 'PrimaryDelete' could not be deleted.
Either the specified user account is already a member of the specified group, or the specified group cannot be deleted because it contains a member."
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Error: There was an error deleting the group_name object. The Object 'group_name' could not be deleted. The object already exists'.
Error deleting a group using Directory and Resource Administrator MMC
Attempting to delete the group using Native Tools returns the following error message:
Windows cannot delete the object group_name because:
Either the specified user account is already a member of the specified group, or the specified group cannot be deleted because it contains a member.
This issue can occur if a member of the group being deleted, has that group set as the Primary Group.
This behavior is by design. To resolve the error, change the Primary Group designation, for all users in the group, to something other than the group that you are trying to delete.
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0 and above improves the message returned. The message return now is: " The Object 'PrimaryDelete' could not be deleted.
Either the specified user account is already a member of the specified group, or the specified group cannot be deleted because it contains a member."
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB16238