NetIQ Directory and Resource Adminstrator 8.x
How do I setup an ActiveView that allows an Assistant Administrator to perform actions against all computer accounts except Domain Controllers?
You can create an ActiveView to distinguish between Domain Controllers and domain members by following the procedure below. This will filter out Domain Controllers but the Assistant Administrator will still be able to see member servers and workstations. DRA does not distinguish between servers and workstations only, but does distinguish between Domain Controllers and Domain Members.
Launch the DRA Delegation and Configuration console with appropriate rights.
Expand the node Delegation Management then click ActiveViews.
Click New ActiveView.
On the Specify rules to add managed objects page click Add then select Objects that match a rule?
Click Computers in the Accounts section.
Click the any computer link.
Click Domain members Matching Wildcard?
Leave the wildcard specification set to * and click OK.
Specify the Domain and OU as desired by clicking the any OU and any domain links.
Name the rule appropriately and click OK.
On the Specify rules to add managed objects page click Add then select Objects that match a rule?
Click Computers in the Accounts section.
Click the Include link and change from Include to Exclude.
Click the any computer link.
Click Domain Controllers Matching Wildcard?
Leave the wildcard specification set to * and click OK.
Specify the Domain and OU as desired by clicking the any OU and any domain links.
Name the rule appropriately and click OK.
Click Next.
Name the ActiveView and provide a description as needed
Click Finish on the summary page.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB15710