If I grant an Assistant Admin the Built-in Web powers will that restrict them to only perform action (NETIQKB14929)

  • 7714929
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


If I grant an Assistant Admin the Built-in Web powers will that restrict them to only perform actions using the Web Console?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

No, when an Assistant Admin is granted any Role or Power in Directory & Resource Administrator, they are not restricted to only use a certain interface.  If an Assistant Admin is granted the 'Built-in Web - Password' role, the action can be performed using the MMC, Web Console, CLI or the ADSI.  The 'Built-in Web' roles was meant as a convenient grouping of powers for any AA that will be using the Web Console as the primary interface.  In other words, for an action that cannot be performed from the Web ( like creating an account) there is no "Web Role" associated with it.  

The Built-in Web Roles as well as the Web powers have been removed from DRA 7.0. 

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB14929