What is the DistributedActions table and the status codes listed? (NETIQKB14653)

  • 7714653
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


What is the DistributedActions table and the status codes listed?

Domain Migration Administrator 7.x


The Status column in the DistributedAction table indicates agent status.  However, the Status column does not indicate whether the agent completed without warnings or error.  The Status column indicates whether the agent was installed, ran, and finished.  This table is phyiscally located in the Protar.mdb file. The DistributedActions table in the project_Name.mdb file is merely a pointer to the DistributedActions table in the Protar.mdb. Following are the bits that make up the status number:

Unknown                        0x00000000
Installed                         0x00000001
Started                           0x00000002
Finished                          0x00000004
Queued                          0x00000008
Writing                           0x00000010
Failed                             0x80000000
QueryFailed                   0x40000000

Since the DistributedAction table does not indicate overall success or failure but rather the success or failure of agent dispatch, this table cannot be used as a sole indicator of determining which agents to resend.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB14653