When remigrating a group, are there any problems if I choose to migrate the account with SID history (NETIQKB14542)

  • 7714542
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Dec-2007


When remigrating a group, are there any problems if I choose to migrate the account with SID history?

Domain Migration Administrator 6.x

Domain Migration Administrator 7.x


If you have migrated a group with SID history, when you migrate that group for the second time, and select the option to Replace and update conflicting accounts, the target account will retain the SID history attribute containing the SID of the source group.  This will not remove the SID that is already there on the target account.

Refer to the following Examples:

Example 1:

  1. Migrate GroupA without SID history.
  2. Migrate GroupA again.
    1. Select Replace and update conflicting accounts
    2. Select Migrate accounts sids to target domain
  3. Target GroupA will exist with the primary SID from the original migration and a SID history attribute populated with the Source GroupA sid.

Example 2:

  1. Migrate a group with SID history.  The target account will have it's sidhistory attribute populated with the source account SID.
  2. Migrate the same group again.  Select the Replace and Update option, but do not select the migrate SID history option.  The target account will only have one SID in it's sidhistory attribute.
  3. Migrate the same group again.  Select the Replace and Update option, AND select the migrate SID history option.  The target account will still only have one SID in it's sidhistory attribute.

If you run the 'Map and Merge groups' wizard and migrate another source group to the same target group, and select the option to migrate SIDs, the resulting target account will have two SIDs in it's sidhistory. attribute.

Domain Migration Administrator will not populate a sidhistory attribute with a duplicate of the same sid, nor a sid that already exists either as a primary sid or a sid history property of another account in the same forest.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB14542