Can I change the Primary Windows NT Account on a source Exchange 5.5 mailbox to a nominated account (exchange service account, administrator account, etc.) so that the user cannot log into the source mailbox after migration?
Exchange Migrator 2.x
Exchange Migrator does not currently have this type of feature. However, as a workaround, a post Mailbox script could potentially be used to change the Primary NT Acocunt of the source mailbox.
This could be particularly important if the EMProfileUpdate process does not work because the end-user's profile is still pointing to the source mailbox.
Can I change the Primary Windows NT Account on a source Exchange 5.5 mailbox to a nominated account (exchange service account, administrator account, etc.) so that the user cannot log into the source mailbox after migration?
Exchange Migrator 1.x
Exchange Migrator 2.x
Exchange Migrator does not currently have this type of feature. However, as a workaround, a post Mailbox script could potentially be used to change the Primary NT Acocunt of the source mailbox.
This could be particularly important if the EMProfileUpdate process does not work because the end-user's profile is still pointing to the source mailbox.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB14473