Event: 'Cannot start WebLogic Server.' (Time Limit Exceeded) (NETIQKB14185)

  • 7714185
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


AppManager 5.0.1

WebLogic Server UNIX



BEA WebLogic Server 5.1+

Event: 'Cannot start WebLogic Server.'  (Time Limit Exceeded)


The Knowledge Script has a parameter ?Start time limit? that tells how long the job will wait for the WebLogic Server to complete initialization.  The more complex the configuration of your WebLogic Server, the longer initialization will take to complete.

We have observed that WebLogic Server release 7.0 takes about twice as long to complete initialization as previous releases.


Before re-running the Knowledge Script, try the following:

1.        Click on the WebLogicSvrUNIX tab of the Knowledge Script Pane.

2.        Drag the HealthCheck Knowledge Script onto the WebLogic Server in question.

3.        Click on the Schedule tab.

4.        Set the Schedule to every 1 minute.

5.        Do not change any of the defaults on the Values tab.

6.        Press OK.

7.        Click on the Events tab of the List Pane.

8.        Watch for events from this job by clicking on the + sign for the event for the job.  You may receive one or more events with a Message ?The WebLogic Server is not running,? it means that the WebLogic Server has not completed initialization.  If you receive an event with a Message ?WLS\PingTime\? threshold crossed,? it means that your WebLogic Server has completed initialization.  When you see this message, you can stop the HealthCheck job:

a.        Click on the Jobs tab on the List Pane.

b.       Right-click on the HealthCheck job.

c.        Select Stop Job.

9.        Remember how long it took this WebLogic Server to initialize, and use that value for the ?Start time limit? parameter the next time you run the StartServer (or StartAdminServer) Knowledge Script.

10.     Wait as long as you feel is reasonable for the WebLogic Server to start.  If the HealthCheck job has not indicated that the WebLogic Server is running, stop the HealthCheck job as described above.  At this point, you might want to try running the Start Script directly on the machine to make sure that the Start Script itself works.


Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB14185