Can I upgrade my Primary Directory and Resource Administrator server to version 6.5 while the second (NETIQKB14030)

  • 7714030
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Can I upgrade my Primary Directory and Resource Administrator server to version 6.5 while the secondary servers continue to run version 6.4?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.40

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50


If you have a Multimaster set (MMS), you cannot synchronize secondary Administration servers until you upgrade all secondary servers to the same version as the primary Administration server.

The upgrade sequence is as follows:

  1. Upgrade the Primary Administration server.
  2. Upgrade the Secondary Administration servers.
  3. Upgrade the DRA Web Component if it is located on an IIS server other than the DRA servers.

This information is documented in Chapter 4 of the Directory and Resource Administrator Administration Installation Guide in the Sequence of Upgrading section.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB14030