How do I verify multiple Management Server configuration for both Management Server and Agent? (NETIQKB14008)

  • 7714008
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 01-Nov-2010


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


How do I verify proper multiple Management Server configuration for both Management Server (MS) and the agent?


For the QDB

MSDesignation table must be set primary or primary and secondary for all agents in a multiple management server environment.
  1. To verify entries in the MSDesignation table:

    1. Open SQL Server Query Analyzer.
    2. Select the Repository (QDB).
    3. Type the following SQL query:
      Select D.MCID, D.MachineObjID, D.PrimaryMSID, S1.MSID, Case ISNull(S1.MSID,10000) WHEN ISNull(D.PrimaryMSID,10000) Then 'Valid' Else 'InValid' End From MSDesignation D full outer join MSStatus S1 On D.PrimaryMSID = S1.MSID
    4. Execute the SQL query by using F5 or the green arrow.
  2. To view a list of Agentswith no primary Management Server:

    1. Open SQL Server Query Analyzer.
    2. Select the Repository (QDB).
    3. Type the following SQL query:
      SELECT D.MCID, D.MachineObjID, O.Name 'Machine' from MSDesignation D, Object O Where D.MachineObjID = O.ObjID And D.PrimaryMSID is Null
    4. Execute the SQL query by using F5 or the green arrow.
  3. To view a list of Agents with a primary Management Server (this includes the name of the Management Server):
    1. Open SQL Server Query Analyzer.
    2. Select the Repository (QDB).
    3. Type the following SQL query:
      SELECT D.MCID, D.MachineObjID, O1.Name 'Machine', S1.MSID, O.Name 'Primary MS', S1.MachineObjID 'Pr MS Objid' from MSDesignation D, MSStatus S1, Object O1, Object O Where D.PrimaryMSID = S1.MSID And S1.MachineObjID = O.ObjID And D.MachineObjID = O1.ObjID
    4. Execute the SQL query by using F5 or the green arrow.
    For the Agent:

    1. Upon running the Amadmin_SetPrimaryMS knowledge script the agent services (NetiQ Client resource monitor and client communication manager) must be running and responding. The easiest way to validate is to run the job and set event for success in the script values. Make sure the job completely runs, stops, and events for the success.
    2. Validate the agent and repository settings for the agent configuration (designation.):

      1. On the Agent Machine, right-click on the agent machine and select Troubleshooter | Client Resource Monitor Info | Active Management Servers. This netiqctrl: Listms command will display the agent setting specified in the MCSiteComm table of the local repository.
      2. On the Agent Machine, right-click on the agent machine and select Troubleshooter | Client Communications Manager | Statistics. This netiqctrl: Stat command will display the agent setting specified in the CmComm table of the local repository. This should display the MS Host information and then validate that the MS is up (connected) or down (not connected.)
      3. On the Repository, right-click on the agent machine in the console and select Properties. The system tab of the computer properties displays the agent information from the repository MSDesignation table.

    Additional Information

    Formerly known as NETIQKB14008