How do I utilize scripting with Exchange Migrator?
Exchange Migrator 1.x
Exchange Migrator 2.x
Customizing Migration with Scripting
Exchange Migrator provides a flexible environment in which you can apply customized processing scripts to meet your specific needs. Exchange Migrator runs the script when the following specific events occur during the migration process for each object type you are migrating:
路 Pre‑migration events allow a script to get or change the value of properties of mailboxes, distribution lists, custom recipients, and public folders in the source server.
路 Post‑migration events allow a script to get or change values for the properties of mailboxes, distribution lists, custom recipients, and public folders in the source or target servers.
Exchange Migrator supports pre‑ and post‑process scripting events for the following objects:
路 Mailboxes.
路 Distribution lists.
路 Custom recipients.
路 Public folders.
路 Objects migrated as contacts.
Choose whether to use scripts, the script language (VBScript or JScript), and whether to use the IADs object pointers on the Use Scripting window in the Specify Migration Options wizard. Using a script that relies on the IADs pointers can be powerful but can also impact migration performance. Choose an event and insert the script for the event on the Scripting window in the Specify Migration Options wizard.
Exchange Migrator runs pre‑process scripts before creating the user account or contact on the target server. Exchange Migrator runs post‑process scripts after creating the migrated object on the target server and before copying the object data to the target server.
Exchange Migrator Script Objects
Exchange Migrator supports the following objects for scripts. For more information about methods and properties using the IADs and ADSI interface, see the ADSI documentation available from Microsoft.
sourceIADs | The IADs pointer to properties for mailboxes, distribution lists, and custom recipients defined in the source domain. Use this object in pre-process or post-process scripts to read (get) source object property values. |
targetIADs | The IADs pointer to properties for mailboxes, distribution lists, and custom recipients defined in the target domain. Use this object in post-process scripts to write (put) target object property values. |
varsetObject | Object properties currently stored in the Exchange Migrator database. You can read (getProperty) these property values to perform some intelligent processing and write (setProperty) new property values. D> |
Example Scripting Format
The following sample shows the format for writing scripts in the Exchange Migrator environment. To use the following VBScript, select Include IADs pointers on the Use Scripting window of the Specify Migration Options wizard.
objectname = varsetObject.getProperty(someValue)
sourceIADs.put someProperty, objectname
Additional example scripts are available in Chapter 8 of the product User Guide.
Please note that this information can also be obtained from Chapter 8 of the product User Guide.