How do I migrate distribution lists and keep the membership information without migrating the member (NETIQKB13705)

  • 7713705
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 02-Nov-2007


How do I migrate distribution lists and keep the membership information without migrating the members?

Exchange Migrator 1.x

Exchange Migrator 2.x


Please refer to the following steps:

  1. Click Step 3:  Migration Options.
  2. Continue through the wizard until the Maintaining Object References page.
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Automatically create custom recipients for unmigrated refrenced objects
    • Automatically create custom recipients for unmigrated objects referenced by these fields:
      • Select Distribution Lists (Member Of)

When you migrate the mailboxes at a later time, they will merge into the previously created contacts.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB13705