Domain Migration Administrator 7.1
Domain Migration Administrator 7.x
Failed to write output file onepointdmr$, computername.result file, HR=80030002, %1 could not be found
A potential cause of this error is the agent on the taget computer is not able to contact the OnePointDMR$ share on the DMA console machine.
Verify that the credentials that were specified in the 'Migrate Computers' wizard have administrative rights on the DMA console machine. Verify that the workstation can ping the DMA console by machine name to ensure that name resolution (WINS and DNS) is working properly.
Review the agent machine's event logs to confirm the error found in the Dispatch.log. If the error matches the second Symptom mentioned above, clear at least 2 of the connections on the agent machine and attempt to launch the agent again.
For more information regarding DMA Logs, please see "Using the Migration Logs" in Chapter 2 of the DMA 7.1 User Guide.
Domain Migration Administrator 7.1
Domain Migration Administrator 7.x
Failed to write output file onepointdmr$, computername.result file, HR=80030002, %1 could not be found
This error may appear in the Agent Dispatch status window. The following corresponding error may be found in the Dispatch.log:
Error in OpenFileInfo(): FindFirstFile(<agent machine share name>) failed, rc = 71 No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept.
A potential cause of this error is the agent on the taget computer is not able to contact the OnePointDMR$ share on the DMA console machine.
Verify that the credentials that were specified in the 'Migrate Computers' wizard have administrative rights on the DMA console machine. Verify that the workstation can ping the DMA console by machine name to ensure that name resolution (WINS and DNS) is working properly.
Review the agent machine's event logs to confirm the error found in the Dispatch.log. If the error matches the second Symptom mentioned above, clear at least 2 of the connections on the agent machine and attempt to launch the agent again.
For more information regarding DMA Logs, please see "Using the Migration Logs" in Chapter 2 of the DMA 7.1 User Guide.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB13505