Are there any potential issues with renaming a Directory and Resource Administration server? (NETIQKB13492)

  • 7713492
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Are there any potential issues with renaming a Directory and Resource Administration server?

How do I rename a Directory and Resource Administration server?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x


It is recommended to perform the following steps if you wish to rename the DRA server:


  1. Demote the DRA server in question if it is a Primary.  Please refer to the following knowledge base article for details on how to promote a new DRA server:
  2. Remove the DRA server from the multimaster set.
  3. Uninstall DRA on the DRA server in question, making sure to select to remove the registry keys.
  4. Reinstall DRA as a Secondary and re-add to the multimaster set.  Please refer to the following knowledge base article for details on how to add a DRA server to the multimaster set: 


If the DRA server is renamed without following the above steps, you may experience the following issues: 



  • MultiMaster Issues:  The machine names of the Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) servers are held in the registry. In a multimaster set, the Primary and Secondary DRA servers would be communicating with each other via these machine names.  Therefore, Multimaster Synchronization will no longer function.
  • Policy and Trigger Issues:  If custom Triggers and Policies have been setup with paths that are specified with the name of the server(ie: \\server\share\trigger.vbs), then those will need to edited to reflect the new server name. 
  • Registry Issues:  After the DRA server has been renamed, the registry will still contain references to the old DRA server name.  The registry will have to be manually edited to replace the old machine names with the new machine name.  The MMC will still try to connect to the old machine name and hence will not work.
  • Agent Issues: The agents that are deployed to the Domain Controllers will not be affected by the name change.  As the renamed DRA server is initialized, this new name will be registered with the existing agents in the environment.  No further agent work is required.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB13492