Error: 'The selected OU does not exist in the target domain'. (NETIQKB13476)

  • 7713476
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 02-Nov-2007


Domain Migration Administrator 6.x

Domain Migration Administrator 7.x

Error: 'The selected OU does not exist in the target domain'.

This error can occur in any of the migration wizards where a target OU is specified, after clicking Next. This could be a result of network resolution issues, or a incorrect path typed into the target OU field. 


To correct this issue, please refer to the following:

  1. Verify the target container specified in the path does exist and is accessible from the DMA console.
  2. Verify you are able to resolve the target domain DNS name.
  3. After verifying all of these are succesful and working, an alternate resolution is to edit the domain specified in the LDAP path (in the migration wizard) to remove the suffixes to the right of the first period in the name. 

For example:

The 'Target OU' field contains a path, such as the following:

LDAP://domainname.hq.local/OU=Target OU,DC=domainname,DC=hq,DC=local

Edit the 'Target OU' field so that only the down level domain name is specified in the first part of the path:

LDAP://domainname/OU=Target OU,DC=domainname,DC=hq,DC=local

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB13476