Where can I find the documentation on the remoteprof utility? (NETIQKB12651)

  • 7712651
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Feb-2008


Where can I find the documentation on the remoteprof utility?

What is the function of the remoteprof utility?

Domain Migration Administrator 7.x


The readme file for remoteprof utility is missing.

The readme for this utility was not included in the DMA 7.1 release.


This is resolved in Hotfix 22291 for DMA 7.1.  Installing this hotfix will install the readme file for the remoteprof utility.


       CONSOLE APPLICATION : remoteprof

This program performs remote profile translation.

Usage: remoteprof [/test:<>] [/profile:<>] [/mode:<>] /file:<userlist>
Migrates roaming profiles for a set of users. Updates security
permissions and user information. However, it will not migrate
profiles to a different location

  test: [YES | NO]       : Test only (no changes) [default YES]
  profile: [SAME | OVER] :
        SAME: Perform translation only if profile paths are the same
        OVER: Overwrite target profile path if different from source
          *note: migrated profiles must use same profile path

  mode: [ADD |REPLACE |REMOVE] : [default ADD]
        ADD:     Add mode: add tgt User sid to security list
        REPLACE: Replace mode: replace src user sid with tgt sid
        REMOVE:  Remove mode:  remove src user sid from security list

remoteprof generates a log file remoteprof.log during its processing.

eg: remoteprof /test:no /profile:over /mode:add /file:"C:\mylist.txt"

=================== user list ====================================
userlist is a tab delimited file with each line representing a src->dest

srcDom\srcUser tgtDom\tgtUser

The userlist can be generated from the protar.mdb or a project .mdb file by following these steps:

  1. Open the protar.mdb or ProjectName.mdb with Microsoft Access 2000.
    Note: By default, the protar.mdb is located in c:\Program Files\netiq\dma, and the project database files will located in c:\Program Files\netiq\dma\projects\%projectname%.
  2. Under Objects, click on Queries.
  3. Double click on "create query in design view"
  4. Close the Show Table window.
  5. Click on the SQL.
  6. Paste the following text into the Select Query window:
    SELECT MigratedObjects.SourceDomain+'\'+MigratedObjects.SourceSamName as src, MigratedObjects.TargetDomain+'\'+MigratedObjects.TargetSamName as tgt FROM MigratedObjects;
  7. Save the query, and then double click it to run it.
  8. Export the results:
    1. Go to File/Export.
    2. Type in a file name and select Text files as the file type.
    3. Click the Export all.
    4. Select Delimited and click Next.
    5. Select Tab, and set the Text Qualifier to None and click Next.
    6. Verify the path and click Finish.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB12651