Last Logon statistics are not displayed in the Directory and Resource Administrator Web Console. (NETIQKB12650)

  • 7712650
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Last Logon statistics are not displayed in the Directory and Resource Administrator Web Console.

Last logon statistics gathering is not enabled on secondary Directory and Resource Administrator servers


Starting in Directory and Resource Administrator 6.6, User Vital Statistics such as Last logon statistics, logon count, Last bad password, etc..  are now available via the web console.  To view user vital statistics in DRA 6.6 web console:

  1. Log into the Web Console as an 'Assistant Admin' that can view 'User account' properties.
  2. Under the 'Account Management' section, select the User link.
  3. Select the Display a User's properties link.
  4. Click Go and bring up a list of 'User' accounts.
  5. Select a User and bring up the properties of the User.
  6. Select the Statistics tab.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB12650