Last Logon statistics are not consistent between all Directory and Resource Administrator servers. (NETIQKB12647)

  • 7712647
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Last Logon statistics are not consistent between all Directory and Resource Administrator servers.


This issue is due to either of the following:

  • The last logon gathering schedule is not the same on each Directory and Resource Administrator server.
  • A Directory & Resource Administrator server is not registered with one or more agents.


To resolve this issue verify the following:

  1. Verify the 'last logon schedule' on each Directory and Resource Administrator ( DRA) server to make sure they are the same.  For example, the Primary DRA server could be set to gather last logon information every 30 min and the secondary DRA server is set to every 4 hours.  To check this configuration on each DRA server refer to the following steps:
    1.  Launch the 'Directory and Resource Administrator MMC' with a user that has power to see the 'Configuration' node. 
    2. Expand 'Configuration' node and select Managed and trusted domains.
    3. Select the managed domain in the right pane and select Properties in the menu bar.
    4. Select Last Logon Schedule and verifyerify that the At intervals of configuration is appropriate and, more importantly, matches on all DRA servers.
  2. The logon statistics are gathered from each domain controller since a validated user can be authenticated by different domain controllers each time they log on.  The DRA agents are essential for this process.  The agents on each domain controller gather the logon information and pass it back to the DRA server, which in turn consolidates this information from each DC and displays the information for each user account.  If the DRA servers are not using all domain controllers for gathering, there will be a difference.  For example, if the secondary is having trouble communicating with one or more DC's, the statistics displayed will be different than a DRA server that can communicate with those DC's.   You need to check that the domain controller list for each DRA server is the same.  Please refer to the following to check this configuration on each DRA server:
    1.  Launch the 'Directory and Resource Administrator MMC' wi.
      th a user that has powers to see the 'Configuration' node. 
    2. Expand Configuration node, and select Managed and trusted domains.
    3. Select the managed domain(s) in the right pane and select Show Agents in the menu bar.
    4. A list of all domain controllers and the Agent Status should be installed for each domain controller.
    5. Compare this list while connected to each DRA server.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB12647