How do I change the computer name of a secondary Directory and Resource Administrator server? (NETIQKB12621)

  • 7712621
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


How do I change the computer name of a secondary Directory and Resource Administrator server?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x


To ensure the process is as smooth as possible, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Remove the Secondary DRA server in question, from the multi-master set, by selecting Administration servers under the 'Configuration' node , while the MMC is connected to the Primary DRA server.
  2. Highlight the Secondary DRA server in question and select Remove from the task menu. 
  3. Run the 'Directory and Resource Administrator' setup program on the Secondary DRA server and select Remove All . Make sure to select the option to remove all registry entries. (Do not restart the DRA server when prompted to do so).
  4. Rename the DRA server machine to the desired name and reboot.
  5. Run the 'Directory and Resource Administrator' setup program on the new machine, selecting secondary, when prompted to specify a primary or secondary server during the install process.
  6. Apply any applicable hotfixes.
  7. Join the machine to the multi-master set, by selecting Administration servers option under the Configuration node, while the MMC is connected to the Primary DRA server.
  8. Select Add from the task menu and enter the new name of the DRA server machine.
  9. Specify the desired account to access the DRA server with and then click OK
  10. Select Yes,when prompted to 'Synchronize the Multi-Master Set'.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB12621