NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetiQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager Report knowledge scripts
By default all reporting scripts are set to event when a report is successfully created.
When configuring a reporting job, you will need to associate the Action_SMTPmail Action Knowledge Script. In the Action_SMTPmail script, you will need to specify the users' SMTP mail address(es) so they get an e-mail sent every time the report job runs. A URL to the created report is included in the e-mail and the user can click on the URL to access the report.
The action knowledge script Action_SMTPMailRpt can also be used to deliver reports to users
This Knowledge Script supports the report-related (ReportAM) Knowledge Scripts, which can be application-specific reports or generic reports.
Use this Knowledge Script to email the first page of a report to a list of recipients.
The first page of the report contains a list of parameter values and hyperlinks to subsequent pages of the report. The hyperlinks refer to files on the computer where the report is located, so the email is lightweight (approximately 6-10 KB).
For this Action to succeed, generate reports on the same computer where the Report agent is installed, and use the AMAdmin_SetReportPaths Knowledge Script to display the location of each report as a hyperlink. Run AMAdmin_SetReportPaths on the AppManager Repositories object under the Report agent.
If the AMAdmin_SetReportPaths Knowledge Script has not been used to display report locations as hyperlinks, the hyperlinks in the email message will not work.
If there is no data in the report, the email message will not be sent.
The Location for this Action must be defined as MC (referring to the managed computer where the Report agent is installed), and the Report agent computer must have Internet connectivity to be able to send mail.
Additional Information
Please note that the solutions in this article requires the ability to connect to a common file share or IIS Server where the full reports are published. For more information please refer to the NetIQ AppManager Product Documentation or on-line help for the knowledge scripts mentioned in this article.