Security Translation does not work during computer migration. (NETIQKB11917)

  • 7711917
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


Domain Migration Administrator 7.1

Security Translation does not work during computer migration.

DMA compiles it's list of accounts to put in the DCTCache file differently during this process than during the regular translate security process. If an account in the migrated objects table does not have the source account information populated, it will cause DMA to incorrectly create the DCTCache file. This will result in only the 'invalid' account being added to the DCTCache file thus leading the DMA agent to believe that no accounts have been added. You will most likely see an error message in the DCTLog.txt that says 'Read 0 Accounts from DCTCache'.

The current workaround for this issue is to open the migrated objects table and manually populate the source account information for any accounts that are missing source data.

This article will be updated once this issue has been resolved.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB11917