How can I exclude certain 'Special' or 'Built-In' groups from any ActiveViews?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
How can I exclude certain 'Special' or 'Built-In' groups from any ActiveViews?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
In Directory and Resource Administrator, there are no limitations on the group(s) than can be excluded from an ActiveView. In order to exclude certain groups and its members from an ActiveView so that Assistant Admins assigned to the ActiveView are not able to perform, an exclude rule must be created. In order to create an exclude rule in an ActiveView perform the following steps:
- Launch the 'MMC Client' with appropriate rights.
- Expand the 'ActiveView Management' node.
- Click ActiveViews.
- Click the desired ActiveView in the right pane.
- With the 'Object Rules' tab the bottom, click AddObjects.
- Select ExcludeGroup and click Next.
- Specify the 'Domain options' and click Next.
- Specify the 'Group options' and click Next.
- Specify the 'Members options' (typically at least Users and Groups), click Next.
- Restrictions are not needed, click Next.
- Name the rule appropriately and supply a description as needed, click Finish.
- Repeat above steps for each Group you want to exclude from the ActiveView.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB11895