How does using the Microsoft IIS Lockdown utility and\or the URLScan utility affect Directory and Resource Administrator?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator uses both ASP and JScript code in the MMC and the Web Console. The IIS Lockdown utility includes serveral template that can be selected to disable the JScripts and ASP pages. If a template which disables either of the two are selected DRA MMC interface and\or the Web Console may not function correctly. The 'Dynamic Web server(ASP enabled)' template does not cause hinder the functionality in DRA.
The URLScan Utility may also have an impact on DRA. The Web Console may fail to function under certain circumstances and the following event will be logged to the Application log during certain operations performed using the DRA Web Console:
The above error message is caused because several calls made by the Web Console are blocked\prohibited by URLScan.
The IIS lockdown utility is available from Microsoft Web Site at:
The URLScan utility is available from Microsoft Web Site at: