How do I create an ActiveView to delegate to Assistant Admins the ability to manage printers?
How do I grant to users, AD groups, or AA groups the ability to manage printers?
How do I manage printers with an ActiveView?"
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
How do I create an ActiveView to delegate to Assistant Admins the ability to manage printers?
How do I grant to users, AD groups, or AA groups the ability to manage printers?
How do I manage printers with an ActiveView?"
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
In order to create an ActiveView to delegate Assistant Admins the ability to manage Printers, please perform the following steps on the primary Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) server:
For DRA 6.x versions:
- Log in to DRA using an account with the Built-In Security role or a greater security role.
- Start the DRA MMC interface.
- Expand ActiveView management node, and then select ActiveViews.
- In the right pane menu bar, click New.
- Specify a name for the ActiveView and click Finish.
- In the What would you like to do next? dialog box, select Add objects.
- Select Custom Rule, and then click Next.
- Select Include, and then click Next.
- Select Printers from the list, and then click Next.
- Select Any Domain, and then click Next.
- Select Any Computer, and then click Next.
- Select All Printers, and then click Next.
- Click Finish.
- In the What would you like to do next?" dialog box, select Assign Assistant Admins.
- Select Add User, Add Group or Add AA Groups, as desired.
- Click Next.
- Select Add Powers.
- Expand Print Jobs or Print Queues.
- Select the desired power and click Add.
- Click Next,and then Finish.
For DRA 7.x versions:
- Log in to DRA using an account with the Built-In Security role or a greater security role.
- Start the DRA Delegation and Configuration Console.
- In the left pane, expand Delegation Management.
- Select ActiveViews.
- On the Tasks menu, click New Active View.
- Click Next
- Click Add, and then click Objects that match a rule.
- Click Printers.
- Under Rule Description, click any OU, then specific OU.
- Select the OU that will be managed by this ActiveView. Child OUs are managed by default.
- Click OK.
- Click Add.
- Click Target containers for create operations.
- Select the domain or OU in which printers are to be managed.
- Click Add, and then click OK.
- Click OK.
- Specify a name for the ActiveView.
- Click Next.
- On the Summary page, ensure that you select I want to delegate power over this ActiveView after I finish the wizard.
- Click Finish.
- Click Next.
- Click Add
- Select User, Groups, or Advanced (Assistant Admin Groups).
- On the Object Selector page, select the appropriate Users or Groups.
- Click Add and then OK.
- Click Next.
- Click Add.
- Click Roles.
- Type Manage Printers and Print Jobs.
- Click Find Now.
- Select Manage Printers and Print Jobs, and then click Add.
- Click OK and Next.
- Click Next and Finish.
For more information, contact NetIQ Technical Support at .
.Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB11782