How do I modify the order in which GPOs are applied to an OU container?
Is it possible to change the order of GPOs applied to an OU?
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 2.0
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 3.0
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.x
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0
The application of GPOs goes from the bottom to the top. The one appearing at the top of the list is the last to be applied.
How do I modify the order in which GPOs are applied to an OU container?
Is it possible to change the order of GPOs applied to an OU?
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 2.0
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 3.0
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.x
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0
To display and modify the order in which GPOs are applied to on a particular OU in NetIQ GPA 3.0 and prior, please perform the following steps:
- Launch the NetIQ Group Policy Administrator console.
- Expand the Administrator snap-in node.
- Select an OU to modify and then choose Properties from the Action drop-down menu. This will present a list of GPOs linked to the selected OU.
- Select the GPO that needs to be applied in a different order and use the Up or Down button to change the GPO's place in the list.
To display and modify the order in which GPOs are applied to on a particular OU in NetIQ GPA 4.0 and later, please perform the following steps:
- Launch the NetIQ Group Policy Administrator console.
- Expand the Explorer node.
- Expand the Forest node.
- Expand the Domain node.
- Select an OU to modify and then choose Properties from the Action drop-down menu.
- On the Managed Links tab, use the Up or Down button to change the GPO's place in the list
The application of GPOs goes from the bottom to the top. The one appearing at the top of the list is the last to be applied.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB11649