Directory and Resource Administrator 6.40
The Assistant Admin is unable to select 'All' after selecting individual options in the Reporting interface.
When the Assistant Admin is in the Reporting interface and selects the criteria to be viewed, individual selections are made and then reviewed after clicking 'View'. If the Assistant Admin goes back to the selection screen, selects 'All' and clicks 'View', only the data passed by the original individually selected criteria is returned.
This issue is caused by a problem in the design of the Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) form for these reports in Microsoft Access.
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.40
The Assistant Admin is unable to select 'All' after selecting individual options in the Reporting interface.
When the Assistant Admin is in the Reporting interface and selects the criteria to be viewed, individual selections are made and then reviewed after clicking 'View'. If the Assistant Admin goes back to the selection screen, selects 'All' and clicks 'View', only the data passed by the original individually selected criteria is returned.
This issue is caused by a problem in the design of the Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) form for these reports in Microsoft Access.
This issue has been corrected in Directory and Resource Administrator version 6.60 and later.
The following workaround must be performed to workaround this problem in version 6.50 and earlier:
- Launch the 'Reporting and Query' Tool.
- Select Enter Design Mode from the File drop-down menu.
- With the Forms button selected, click the Criteria Event Log in the list of forms.
- Click Design on the toolbar at the top of the window.
- Click the Assistant Admins tab.
- Right-click on the box surrounding Add and Selected and select Properties (Note: you must click directly on the line that is the box itself. Clicking on the gray area inside will not work.)
- In the Properties box, click the All tab.
- Scroll to the top and populate the Name field with optAssistantAdmins .
- Click the Event tab.
- Click in the Click On field.
- A down-arrow button and a '...' button will appear on the right.
- Click the down-arrow and select Event Procedure.
- Close the Properties window.
- Close the Criteria Event Log form window.
- Click Yes to save the changes to the form.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB11640